The exhibition is a 1:1 scale mise-en-scene of the city, with a silhouette of a city-scape made of Thomas Bayrle wallpaper and a population composed of Willem Oorebeek's "Vertical Club" (after which the exhibition takes its title).

Das ist auch von mir, 2012

Disco und Arme, 2012

o.T., 2013

Woolworth Building (Pthalo), 2012

Woolworth Building (Nickel Azo), 2012

Woolworth Building (Cobalt Green), 2012

Frankfurter Tapete, 2008

Untitled, 2012


Cybernetic Still Life No.3., 2009

Untitled, 2012

blue smoke and blue mirrors, 2013

Bann, 2012

Untitled, 2013

Untitled, 1982

Untitled, 2012

(in collaboration with Will Benedict), Untitled, , 2013

, 2013

Petit Pois, 1989

Grüne Zone, 2012

Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – Witchhunt Suite for WWIII

Untitled, 2013

Doublespoon, Teak, 1992

Sick Selflessness, 1967

Untitled, 2013

Assorted Plates, 2013

Parker Center on KTLA 5, 2013

Autobahn-Kopf, 1989

Untitled, 2013

Untitled, 2013

Under Abstraction, 2012

Collonade Row, 1981

AIDS WALK 2013, 1974

Paradise Garage, 2012

o.T., 1988

o.T., 1994

o.T., 2013

o.T., 2013

o.T , 1971

o.T., 2013

Untitled, 2013

Untitled, 2013

Breuer, 2012