Al Freeman
More Comparisons
27 Apr – 17 Jun 2018
39 Walker


Al Freeman, More Comparisons, Installation view, Bortolami, New York, NY, 2018

In collaboration with 56 HENRY, Bortolami is pleased to present More Comparisons, a solo exhibition by Al Freeman and follow-up to her 2017 book, Comparisons. Comprising a set of fifty-one unique collages, the show will be on view from April 27 through June 2, 2018.

Each collage compares two images. One image depicts a familiar work of art, such as a painting by Ed Ruscha, a sculpture by Sol Lewitt, or documentation of a performance by Carolee Schneemann. Its companion image is taken from a non-art source, often from message boards and internet backwaters where people post photos of drunk friends subjected to gags and pranks. The works function on a visual logic in which the two images relate to one another compositionally, conceptually, or metaphorically. The Comparisons exploit their subject matter to humorous effect, establishing a connection between high and low reference points.