Each of Robert Bordo’s new crackup paintings depict a rupture, but the subject and object of this rupture and what it comes to represent is up for interpretation. The crack in the picture plane—calamity made manifest—becomes a metaphor for a litany of issues; the current political climate, the state of the world: a zeitgeist of outrage and concern. His impulse to shatter the screen, disrupt the status quo, break through, is urgent and necessary. Certainly, the gesture has its precedents, but Bordo uses an incised line—subtly, borrowed from drawing—to impact the painting surface. It is a technique that literalizes: it draws out the metaphor.

crackup #11 (crackup/crackdown), 2019

crackup #13 (witch), 2019

crackup #15 (monster mash), 2019

bird/window #4, 2019

crackup #10 (frost), 2019

crackup #12 (Frida), 2019

crackup #14, 2019